
Projekt "Architektur der Hirnmechanik"

Мета Architektur_der_Hirnmechanik - отримувати 980,00 PLN на тиждень.
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Project description:

The workshop series ‘Architecture of Brain Mechanics’ provides a sound understanding of the biological, neurological and psychological foundations that shape our thoughts, feelings and actions. We shed light on the functioning of the brain as well as the causes and consequences of mental stress such as stress, unresolved experiences, depression and anxiety disorders. Modern influences such as nutrition-related neurodegenerative factors, excessive mobile phone use and the effects of social media on mental health are also discussed. A further focus is on the challenges during pregnancy and early childhood development, where mistakes can have long-term consequences for mental health. The aim of the workshop series is to provide holistic knowledge that serves both to prevent mental illness and to promote individual resilience. The practical content is specifically tailored to different life phases and target groups.

Aims of the project:

  • Imparting practical psychological and neuropsychological knowledge
  • Raising awareness of mental risk factors and their effects
  • Developing practical strategies and techniques for strengthening resilience
  • Educating about the crucial influences during pregnancy and early childhood development
  • Developing approaches to coping with modern stresses such as media consumption and information overload

Project costs:

The total costs of the project for 2025 amount to around PLN 51,000 (PLN 4,250/month). This amount includes material costs, the development and translation of course materials, external services and a share of the operating costs for premises and technical equipment.

The total time required is around 22 hours per month and language. This includes content planning, creating presentation materials, expert consultations, coordination and quality assurance of the content.

Our project is financed exclusively by voluntary donations

With your contribution, you help us to remain independent and continue our work to reach even more people. Together we can make a real difference – for today, tomorrow and the future. Become part of our community and make a difference!


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Architektur_der_Hirnmechanik приєднався 1 місяць тому.

Надходження за тиждень (в польський злотий)

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