
Noah Stanford

The more money I make here, the more time I can spend on free, open source software.

CorruptedArk отримує 3,26 USD на тиждень від 2 спонсорів.


While I support free and open source software and prefer to use it whenever possible, I also need a means of income to support myself. If I make enough money here, I can make free and open source software my career. Otherwise, I'll be required to develop software for companies that probably don't care about openness as much as I do. If you benefit from software I develop or maintain, you are under no pressure or obligation to pay me anything; I'm just happy someone else is benefiting from my work. As far as I'm concerned, the code I share publicly is a gift to the world, no strings attached. However, I will be very grateful for any financial support I do receive.

Пов'язані облікові записи

CorruptedArk володіє такими обліковими записами на інших платформах:


did-i-take-my-meds Вибране 164 Оновлено 2 місяці тому

A Kotlin Android app to manage medications

open-chaos-chess Вибране 43 Оновлено 10 місяців тому

Open Chaos Chess is a free and open source version of Chaos Chess, stripped of Google Play Services.

RandomAlphabet Вибране 0 Оновлено 2 роки тому

A Java GUI tool to encode and decode text strings using pseudorandomly generated ciphers from string keys. This project originally started in my PersonalJavaProjects repository, but since I thought it was cool enough, I gave it a dedicated repository.

sudoku-solver-py Вибране 0 Оновлено 3 роки тому

A suduko solver written in Python

random-alphabet-py Вибране 0 Оновлено 3 роки тому

A command line tool to encode and decode text using a randomized cipher written in Python

tic-tac-toe-py Вибране 0 Оновлено 3 роки тому

A simple terminal tic tac toe game written in Python

automatic_hangman_py Вибране 0 Оновлено 3 роки тому

A program designed to play hangman better than any human and allow a human to play as well

4DMaze Вибране 1 Оновлено 3 роки тому

A 4D maze game made with GDScript in Godot

projectile-solver Вибране 0 Оновлено 4 роки тому

An Android application to solve constant acceleration projectile problems written in Kotlin

MTR-Java-2020 Вибране 1 Оновлено 4 роки тому

The repository of Java robot code for FIRST team 1528 Monroe Trojan robotics during the 2020 season.

svg-wallpapers Вибране 2 Оновлено 4 роки тому

A collection of scalable vector wallpaper files that I made for myself and thought would be cool to share

automatic-hangman Вибране 0 Оновлено 4 роки тому

A Java GUI application designed to play hangman better than a human can. It also functions as a simple game of hangman for a human player.

PersonalJavaProjects Вибране 0 Оновлено 5 років тому

A repository for projects that I develop in my down time.

UnityProjects Вибране 0 Оновлено 5 років тому

A repository for my Unity development. Nothing to see here.

MTR-Java-2019 Вибране 1 Оновлено 5 років тому

A public repository holding Java code for team FIRST robotics team 1528 during the 2019 season.

MTR-Java-2018 Вибране 0 Оновлено 5 років тому

A repo for Monroe Trojan Robotics Java code

MTR-CPP-2015 Вибране 1 Оновлено 8 років тому

A repository for the C++ code for Monroe Trojan Robotics, FRC team 1528.

rpicheck (fork) Вибране 0 Оновлено 4 роки тому

RasPi Check - an Android app for checking your Raspberry Pi status.

wallpapers (fork) Вибране 0 Оновлено 4 роки тому

Wallpapers for Pop!_OS

ftc_app (fork) Вибране 0 Оновлено 8 років тому

FTC Android Studio project to create FTC Robot Controller app.


CorruptedArk приєднався 4 роки тому.

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