
Sean Baggaley

Game servers and other stuff

DrinkyBird отримує 0,00 GBP на тиждень від 0 спонсорів.
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Hi, I'm Sean. I operate Firestick Games and do some other stuff.

Firestick Games provides:

Some other things I've done include:

  • Omniscient, an IWAD patcher for Doom engine games
  • BirdNet, which provides a nicer interface for Elite Dangerous in-game news such as Galnet News, community goals, and the Arx store.

Understand that you will be making a donation, not a purchase - no services or goods will be guaranteed in return. It may be best to think of it as an appreciation for services already provided. Particularly, donations will not influence the making of moderation-related decisions.

Keyoxide proof: https://keyoxide.org/4233258DAD6F8289CC02C9DB655F0EC680AC2957

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