

Ship out my AliExpress Shopping Cart

YAAPS отримує 0,00 USD на тиждень від 0 спонсорів.


I have just under $100 USD worth of components in my shopping cart, most of which is for the ideas in this post:


Code and project details will be posted on Hackaday, unless a federated alternative emerges. Figures of $10-20 USD per unit didn't take power supply into account

The pilot project is a deniable long distance public key exchange. The UX is you input a public key signature, turn the device on, and wander around town. Lora radios exchange public key signatures and location tags whenever you are within range of another device (1-2 miles). You manage your collection in a web interface when you connect to your home wifi. The result is like a balloon release, in that you get to see how far key information has traveled, but with less environmental impact. Directions will include suggestions on how to whitelist incoming email relevant to the game and a discussion of the safety concerns associated with anonymous contact exchange

The purpose of this project is to test the usability of long range radio (LoRa) as a game platform. The free tier of cloud messaging products is a trap that exists only to lock developers into using other products. In its simplest form, this is a way that players can own their push notification infrastructure for all situations where they are within 1-2 miles of an access point. Long term, it might be possible for communities to extend that range

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