

smallworld's mission is to strengthen communities.

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smallworld's mission is to strengthen communities by facilitating the distribution of knowledge, perspectives, and resources within communities. Our current focus is on disrupting homophily by facilitating random connections within communities.


Once a community identifies a goal for using smallworld and invites members to participate, we simply send out random pairings between community members at a regular interval. The pairs chat over lunch or coffee and take time to simply connect or work towards their community's goal.

In the first pilot at the University of Michigan Medical School, over 100 students participated and we sent out new pairings every two weeks. We sent out over 600 pairings over the academic year. Below is feedback we received from medical students:

“I’ve met with several people I hadn’t yet talked to or connected with. This has given me a great opportunity to get to know more of my classmates, especially ones who are in a different social circle. I’ve really enjoyed [smallworld]!”

“I got to connect with fellow classmates and learn more about them in a more organic way than a traditional orientation-esque ice breaker. I also was able to exchange advice about school, research and extracurricular activities.”

“I’ve been able to chat at length with classmates instead of just in passing. Also, I’ve been paired with some great people that otherwise I wouldn’t have socialized with. It’s been a great experience!”

See our website for more information and don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested in using smallworld in your community.

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